Tuesday 7 December 2010

Q.02. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our main character in our film can be compared to Matthew 'Matt' Farrell in “Die Hard 4.0”. Their physical appearance are also the same in terms of body stature, they’re very different in comparison to the usual characters used in thriller films, which are mostly heavy muscled men. They also dress similarly, wearing dark coloured polo shirts rather than shirts that show muscles and which portrays toughness and a fighter.
In terms of their role in the film, they’re also the same, people who’ve gotten in the wrong side of the law. While Matt in die hard is a hacker, the main character in our film used to mug people in the streets and beat them up.
However, they also have some difference. One is their attitude towards violence. While our character is used to violence, from mugging and beating up people, Matt from “Die Hard 4.0” tries to avoid violence, as shown in his attitude to the shooting happening around him during the film “Die Hard 4.0” where he didn't know what to do.
Another difference is the setting. While Die Hard was set in the city with a lot of people around, our film was set in the forest where there wasn't a lot of people and the place was isolated.

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