Thursday 9 December 2010

Q.05. How did you attract/address your audience?

                We focused our film around the theme of violence and villains. Focusing on a character that seems good but has a criminal past and another character who was a victim in the past but turns into a villain/criminal. These themes are one of the conventions of thriller films. Additionally, the mugging scene and the attack scene on the woods later focus on violence. Therefore, this would attract audiences who like violence.
                Another thriller convention is the twist of the characters. The change of the character’s standing appeals to some audience. Like the one in our opening scene, where the mugging victim became the attacker.
                Another convention is camerawork. We used a whole range of shot types and shot angles. This is to unsettle the audience. Furthermore, the different point of views allows the audience to see what’s happening from the victims and the attacker’s point of view.
                Another convention is the use of lighting and shadow. We filmed in the afternoon and in the forest to allow the scene to look dark and depressing. The atmosphere created by this lighting is suitable for the attack.  Furthermore, the shadow provided by the trees in the woods, adds to the feeling of isolation.
                Furthermore, the non-diegetic music playing when the shot was from the point of view of the attacker in the forest gives the audience an uncomfortable feeling, which creates tension.

                Also, to appeal to our target audience, we looked at thriller films and used some them as a base. Therefore, our opening scene has some similarities to the film “Die Hard 4.0”. One is the character’s appearance and work. Bothe characters have a fairly normal appearance, which made both characters look like someone who wouldn’t break a law. The twist is that they actually have been on the wrong side of the law. This is where the similarities end. As their crimes is entirely different, one being a hacker and one being a mugger.

                Additionally, we used our questionnaires to appeal to the target audience.  From the questionnaire, our target audience expected thriller films to happen in isolated areas like in the woods or alleyways. Therefore, for the attacks, the location is in the woods and alleyways. However, to show a contrast we started our opening scene in a crowded area as opposed to an isolated and deserted area during the attack.
                Furthermore, we based the costumes of our character based on the questionnaire results. Most people said that dark clothes and hoodies are what an attacker should wear, while bright casual clothes should be the victim’s clothes.

                Also, to see how effective our opening scene is, we asked our peers for their opinions. Overall, they said that our film was good. We used the correct conventions. They said that the editing and music was particularly good, which appeals to our target audience.

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